We can love nothing but nature. The most wonderful talents, the most meritorious exertions, really avail very little with us
 Ralph Waldo Emerson, Spiritual Laws (1841). copy citation

Author Ralph Waldo Emerson
Source Spiritual Laws
Topic love talent
Date 1841
Language English
Reference in "Essays: First Series"
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Essays:_First_Series/Spiritual_Laws


“but what now avails how high, how aristocratic, how Roman his mien and manners, if his heart and aims are in the senate, in the theatre, and in the billiard-room, and she has no aims, no conversation, that can enchant her graceful lord? He shall have his own society. We can love nothing but nature. The most wonderful talents, the most meritorious exertions, really avail very little with us; but nearness or likeness of nature, — how beautiful is the ease of its victory! Persons approach us famous for their beauty, for their accomplishments, worthy of all wonder for their charms and gifts;” source