Everyone is aware that abuses exist and will exist so long as we are limited by human imperfections.
 Calvin Coolidge, State of the Union Address (7 December 1926). copy citation

Author Calvin Coolidge
Source State of the Union Address
Topic imperfection limit
Date 7 December 1926
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5036/5036-h/5036-h.htm


“In order that these plans may go forward, action should be taken at the present session on the question of renewing the banks' charters and thereby insuring a continuation of the policies and present usefulness of the Federal reserve system. FEDERAL REGULATION I am in favor of reducing, rather than expanding, Government bureaus which seek to regulate and control the business activities of the people. Everyone is aware that abuses exist and will exist so long as we are limited by human imperfections. Unfortunately, human nature can not be changed by an act of the legislature. When practically the sole remedy for many evils lies in the necessity of the people looking out for themselves and reforming their own abuses, they will find that they are relying on a false security if the Government assumes to hold out the promise that it is looking out for them and providing reforms for them.” source