We are strong enough so that no one can charge us with weakness if we are slow to anger.
 Calvin Coolidge, State of the Union Address (7 December 1926). copy citation

Author Calvin Coolidge
Source State of the Union Address
Topic weakness anger
Date 7 December 1926
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5036/5036-h/5036-h.htm


“All the world knows that the whole extent of our influence is against war and in favor of peace, against the use of force and in favor of negotiation, arbitration, and adjudication as a method of adjusting international differences. We look with disfavor upon all aggressive warfare. We are strong enough so that no one can charge us with weakness if we are slow to anger. Our place is sufficiently established so that we need not be sensitive over trifles. Our resources, are large enough so that we can afford to be generous. At the same time we are a nation among nations and recognize a responsibility not only to ourselves, but in the interests of a stable and enlightened civilization, to protect and defend the international rights of our Government and our citizens.” source