A country loaded with debt is a country devoid of the first line of defense.
 Calvin Coolidge, State of the Union Address (7 December 1926). copy citation

Author Calvin Coolidge
Source State of the Union Address
Topic defense debts
Date 7 December 1926
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5036/5036-h/5036-h.htm


“The one weak place in the whole line is our still stupendous war debt. In any modern campaign the dollars are the shock troops. With a depleted treasury in the rear, no army can maintain itself in the field. A country loaded with debt is a country devoid of the first line of defense. Economy is the handmaid of preparedness. If we wish to be able to defend ourselves to the full extent of our power in the future, we shall discharge as soon as possible the financial burden of the last war.” source