But our most precious resources, our greatest hope for the future, are the minds and hearts of our people, especially our children. We can help them build tomorrow by strengthening our community of shared values.
 Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address (25 January 1984). copy citation

Author Ronald Reagan
Source State of the Union Address
Topic future sharing
Date 25 January 1984
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5046/5046-h/5046-h.htm


“The Department of the Interior will encourage careful, selective exploration and production on our vital resources in an Exclusive Economic Zone within the 200-mile limit off our coasts--but with strict adherence to environmental laws and with fuller State and public participation.
But our most precious resources, our greatest hope for the future, are the minds and hearts of our people, especially our children. We can help them build tomorrow by strengthening our community of shared values. This must be our third great goal. For us, faith, work, family, neighborhood, freedom, and peace are not just words; they're expressions of what America means, definitions of what makes us a good and loving people.