In a child's education, money can never take the place of basics like discipline, hard work, and, yes, homework.
 Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address (25 January 1988). copy citation

Author Ronald Reagan
Source State of the Union Address
Topic education money
Date 25 January 1988
Language English


“We all know the sorry story of the sixties and seventies--soaring spending, plummeting test scores--and that hopeful trend of the eighties, when we replaced an obsession with dollars with a commitment to quality, and test scores started back up. There's a lesson here that we all should write on the blackboard a hundred times: In a child's education, money can never take the place of basics like discipline, hard work, and, yes, homework. As a nation we do, of course, spend heavily on education--more than we spend on defense. Yet across our country, Governors like New Jersey's Tom Kean are giving classroom demonstrations that how we spend is as important as how much we spend.” source