No nation has so perfectly the qualifications to care for, keep, and to show to best advantage a gallery of art as the French.
 Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands (1854). copy citation

Author Harriet Beecher Stowe
Source Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands
Topic qualification art
Date 1854
Language English


“Compared with this matchless Venus, that of Medici seems as inane and trifling as mere physical beauty always must by the side of beauty baptized, and made sacramental, as the symbol of that which alone is truly fair. With regard to the arrangements of the Louvre, they seem to me to be admirable. No nation has so perfectly the qualifications to care for, keep, and to show to best advantage a gallery of art as the French. During the heat of the outburst that expelled Louis Philippe from the throne, the Louvre was in some danger of destruction. Destructiveness is a native element of human nature, however repressed by society;” source