ungrace and love are always at war with one another.
 Plato, Symposium. copy citation

Author Plato
Source Symposium
Topic war love
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1600/1600-h/1600-h.htm


“for if he were hard and without flexure he could not enfold all things, or wind his way into and out of every soul of man undiscovered. And a proof of his flexibility and symmetry of form is his grace, which is universally admitted to be in an especial manner the attribute of Love; ungrace and love are always at war with one another. The fairness of his complexion is revealed by his habitation among the flowers; for he dwells not amid bloomless or fading beauties, whether of body or soul or aught else, but in the place of flowers and scents, there he sits and abides.” source