mankind are nothing to him; all his life is spent in mocking and flouting at them.
 Plato, Symposium. copy citation

Author Plato
Source Symposium
Topic mankind life
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“but, O my companions in drink, when he is opened, what temperance there is residing within! Know you that beauty and wealth and honour, at which the many wonder, are of no account with him, and are utterly despised by him: he regards not at all the persons who are gifted with them; mankind are nothing to him; all his life is spent in mocking and flouting at them. But when I opened him, and looked within at his serious purpose, I saw in him divine and golden images of such fascinating beauty that I was ready to do in a moment whatever Socrates commanded: they may have escaped the observation of others, but I saw them.” source