When I hear that a good and godly man is dead, I am affrighted, and fear that God hates the world, and is taking away the upright and good, to the end he may fall upon and punish the wicked. Though I die, it makes no great matter
 Martin Luther, Table Talk (1566). copy citation

Author Martin Luther
Source Table Talk
Topic fear hate
Date 1566
Language English
Note Translated by William Hazlitt
Weblink http://www.ntslibrary.com/PDF%20Books/Luther%20Table%20Talk.pdf


“that quality makes death bitter to us. But a heathen dies securely; he neither sees nor feels that it is God’s wrath, but thinks it is merely the end of nature. The epicurean says: `Tis but to endure one evil hour. DCCXLV. When I hear that a good and godly man is dead, I am affrighted, and fear that God hates the world, and is taking away the upright and good, to the end he may fall upon and punish the wicked. Though I die, it makes no great matter; for I am in the pope’s curse and excommunication; I am his devil, therefore he hates and persecutes me. At Coburg, I went about, and sought me out a place for my grave; I thought to have beel laid in the chancel under the table, but now I am of another mind.” source