When we have a thing, how good soever, we are soon weary of it, and regard it not.
 Martin Luther, Table Talk (1566). copy citation

Author Martin Luther
Source Table Talk
Topic good
Date 1566
Language English
Note Translated by William Hazlitt
Weblink http://www.ntslibrary.com/PDF%20Books/Luther%20Table%20Talk.pdf


“The philosophers, and learned among the heathen, had innumerable speculations as to God, the soul, and the life everlasting, all uncertain and doubtful, they being without God’s Word; while to us God has given his most sweet and saving Word, pure and incorrupt; yet we condemn it. It is naught, says the buyer. When we have a thing, how good soever, we are soon weary of it, and regard it not. The world remains the world, which neither loves nor endures righteousness, but it is ruled by a certain few, even as a little boy of twelve years old, rules, governs, and keeps a hundred great and strong oxen upon a pasture.” source