When people desire to be reconciled and to come to an agreement, one party must yield, and give way to the other. If God and mankind should be reconciled and agreed, God must give over his right and justice, and must lay aside his wrath; and we, mankind, must also lay down our own righteousness, for we also would needs be gods in Paradise
 Martin Luther, Table Talk (1566). copy citation

Author Martin Luther
Source Table Talk
Topic justice agreement
Date 1566
Language English
Note Translated by William Hazlitt
Weblink http://www.ntslibrary.com/PDF%20Books/Luther%20Table%20Talk.pdf


“We all desire to be saved, but the world refuses the means how to be saved—the Mediator Christ. In former times potentates and princes referred their controversies to faithful people, and did not so readily thrust them into the lawyer’s hands. When people desire to be reconciled and to come to an agreement, one party must yield, and give way to the other. If God and mankind should be reconciled and agreed, God must give over his right and justice, and must lay aside his wrath; and we, mankind, must also lay down our own righteousness, for we also would needs be gods in Paradise; we thought ourselves wise as God, through the serpent’s seduction; then Christ was fain to make an agreement between us; he interposed in the cause, and would be a mediator between God and man; this Mediator for his pains got the portion of a peace-maker, namely, the cross;” source