Ingratitude is a very irksome thing, which no human creature can tolerate
 Martin Luther, Table Talk (1566). copy citation

Author Martin Luther
Source Table Talk
Topic ingratitude
Date 1566
Language English
Note Translated by William Hazlitt


“But seeing our ship is weak, and the winds and waves beat upon us, as though they would overwhelm us, therefore we have need of a good and experienced pilot, who with his counsel and advice may rule and govern the vessel, that it run not on a rock, or utterly sink and go down. Such a pilot is our blessed Saviour Christ Jesus. DCXCI. Ingratitude is a very irksome thing, which no human creature can tolerate; yet our Lord God can endure it. If I had had to do with the Jews, patience would have failed me; I had never been able so long to endure their stubbornness. The prophets were always poor, condemned people;” source