Be content with what you have and are, and no one can despoil you;
Who stops in time nothing can harm.
 Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching. copy citation

Author Lao Tzu
Source Tao Te Ching
Topic time harm
Language English
Note Translated by Arthur Waley


“One's own self or things bought, which should count most? In the getting or the losing, which is worse? Hence he who grudges expense pays dearest in the end; He who has hoarded most will suffer the heaviest loss. Be content with what you have and are, and no one can despoil you; Who stops in time nothing can harm. He is forever safe and secure. up 45 What is most perfect seems to have something missing; Yet its use is unimpaired. What is most full seems empty; Yet its use will never fail. What is most straight seems crooked;” source