Those who seek to rule by giving knowledge
Are like bandits preying on the land.
Those who rule without giving knowledge
Bring a stock of good fortune to the land.
 Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching. copy citation

Author Lao Tzu
Source Tao Te Ching
Topic fortune stock
Language English
Note Translated by Arthur Waley


“In the days of old those who practiced Tao with success did not, By means of it, Enlighten the people, but on the contrary sought to make them ignorant. The more knowledge people have, the harder they are to rule. Those who seek to rule by giving knowledge Are like bandits preying on the land. Those who rule without giving knowledge Bring a stock of good fortune to the land. To have understood the difference between these who things Is to have a test and standard To be always able to apply this test and standard Is called the mysterious “power”, so deep-penetrating,” source