Those whose own conduct's most ridiculous,
Are always quickest to speak ill of others
 Molière, Tartuffe or The Impostor (1669). copy citation

Author Molière
Source Tartuffe or The Impostor
Date 1669
Language English
Note Translated by Curtis Hidden Page


“So let us try to live in innocence, To silly tattle pay no heed at all, And leave the gossips free to vent their gall. DORINE Our neighbour Daphne, and her little husband, Must be the ones who slander us, I'm thinking. Those whose own conduct's most ridiculous, Are always quickest to speak ill of others; They never fail to seize at once upon The slightest hint of any love affair, And spread the news of it with glee, and give it The character they'd have the world believe in. By others' actions, painted in their colours,” source