We are never happy in this world, except when we forget the world.
 Anatole France, Thaïs (1890). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source Thaïs
Topic forgetting world
Date 1890
Language English
Note Translated by Robert B. Douglas
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2078/2078-h/2078-h.htm


“It is true that, as long as we are what we are, we shall never find anything but our own thoughts in the thoughts of others, and that all of us are somewhat inclined to read books as I have read this one.” She did not hear him; her soul was still before the Nubian’s tomb. As he heard her sigh, he kissed her on the neck, and said— “Do not be sad, my child. We are never happy in this world, except when we forget the world. “Come, let us cheat life—it is sure to take its revenge. Come, let us love!” But she pushed him away. “We love!” she cried bitterly. “You never loved any one. And I do not love you! No! I do not love you!” source