the error or false imitation of which good is that which is the tempest of human life; while man, upon the instinct of an advancement, formal and essential, is carried to seek an advancement local.
 Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning (1605). copy citation

Author Francis Bacon
Source The Advancement of Learning
Topic imitation error
Date 1605
Language English


“For to preserve in state is the less, to preserve with advancement is the greater. So in man, “Igneus est ollis vigor, et cælestis origo.” His approach or assumption to divine or angelical nature is the perfection of his form; the error or false imitation of which good is that which is the tempest of human life; while man, upon the instinct of an advancement, formal and essential, is carried to seek an advancement local. For as those which are sick, and find no remedy, do tumble up and down and change place, as if by a remove local they could obtain a remove internal, so is it with men in ambition, when failing of the mean to exalt their nature, they are in a perpetual estuation to exalt their place.” source