an inquisitive man is a prattler; so upon the like reason a credulous man is a deceiver
 Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning (1605). copy citation

Author Francis Bacon
Source The Advancement of Learning
Topic reason
Date 1605
Language English


“which, although they appear to be of a diverse nature, the one seeming to proceed of cunning and the other of simplicity, yet certainly they do for the most part concur: for, as the verse noteth— “Percontatorem fugito, nam garrulus idem est,” an inquisitive man is a prattler; so upon the like reason a credulous man is a deceiver: as we see it in fame, that he that will easily believe rumours will as easily augment rumours and add somewhat to them of his own; which Tacitus wisely noteth, when he saith, Fingunt simul creduntque:” source