Man must not look outward; he must look inward. He must not look at things shrewdly and cautiously, to learn about them; he must not look at all
 Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist (1895). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source The Antichrist
Topic learning
Date 1895
Language English
Note Translated by Henry Louis Mencken


““Therefore, man must be made unhappy,”—this has been, in all ages, the logic of the priest.—It is easy to see just what, by this logic, was the first thing to come into the world:—“sin.”... The concept of guilt and punishment, the whole “moral order of the world,” was set up against science—against the deliverance of man from priests.... Man must not look outward; he must look inward. He must not look at things shrewdly and cautiously, to learn about them; he must not look at all; he must suffer.... And he must suffer so much that he is always in need of the priest.—Away with physicians! What is needed is a Saviour.—The concept of guilt and punishment, including the doctrines of” source