The most intelligent men, like the strongest, find their happiness where others would find only disaster
 Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist (1895). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source The Antichrist
Topic happiness disaster
Date 1895
Language English
Note Translated by Henry Louis Mencken


““The world is perfect”—so prompts the instinct of the intellectual, the instinct of the man who says yes to life. “Imperfection, whatever is inferior to us, distance, the pathos of distance, even the Chandala themselves are parts of this perfection.” The most intelligent men, like the strongest, find their happiness where others would find only disaster: in the labyrinth, in being hard with themselves and with others, in effort; their delight is in self-mastery; in them asceticism becomes second nature, a necessity, an instinct. They regard a difficult task as a privilege;” source