What destroys a man more quickly than to work, think and feel without inner necessity, without any deep personal desire, without pleasure—as a mere automaton of duty?
 Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist (1895). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source The Antichrist
Topic duty pleasure
Date 1895
Language English
Note Translated by Henry Louis Mencken
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Antichrist


“The theological instinct alone took it under protection!—An action prompted by the life-instinct proves that it is a right action by the amount of pleasure that goes with it: and yet that Nihilist, with his bowels of Christian dogmatism, regarded pleasure as an objection.... What destroys a man more quickly than to work, think and feel without inner necessity, without any deep personal desire, without pleasure—as a mere automaton of duty? That is the recipe for décadence, and no less for idiocy.... Kant became an idiot.—And such a man was the contemporary of Goethe! This calamitous spinner of cobwebs passed for the German philosopher—still passes today!...” source