A wise man is above all the insults that can be spoken to him
 Molière, The Bourgeois Gentleman (1670). copy citation

Author Molière
Source The Bourgeois Gentleman
Topic insulting
Date 1670
Language English
Note Translated by Philip Dwight Jones
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Middle-Class_Gentleman


“And shouldn't reason be the mistress of all our activities? DANCING MASTER: Well! Sir, he has just abused both of us by, despising the dance, which I practice, and music, which is his profession. PHILOSOPHY MASTER: A wise man is above all the insults that can be spoken to him; and the grand reply one should make to such outrages is moderation and patience. FENCING MASTER: They both had the audacity of trying to compare their professions with mine. PHILOSOPHY MASTER: Should that disturb you?” source