One who does not believe in God will not believe in God's people.
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov (1880). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source The Brothers Karamazov
Topic God
Date 1880
Language English
Note Translated by Constance Garnett


“Mindful of the kindness of their priest and the moving words they have heard from him, they will of their own accord help him in his fields and in his house, and will treat him with more respect than before—so that it will even increase his worldly well-being too. The thing is so simple that sometimes one is even afraid to put it into words, for fear of being laughed at, and yet how true it is! One who does not believe in God will not believe in God's people. He who believes in God's people will see His Holiness too, even though he had not believed in it till then. Only the people and their future spiritual power will convert our atheists, who have torn themselves away from their native soil.” source