An An cares less for things that do not concern him than a Gy does
 Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Coming Race (1871). copy citation

Author Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Source The Coming Race
Topic care concern
Date 1871
Language English


“But I heard my father say that, according to the last report, there were a million and a half of communities speaking our language, and adopting our institutions and forms of life and government; but, I believe, with some differences, about which you had better ask Zee. She knows more than most of the Ana do. An An cares less for things that do not concern him than a Gy does; the Gy-ei are inquisitive creatures." "Does each community restrict itself to the same number of families or amount of population that you do?" "No; some have much smaller populations, some have larger--varying according to the extent of the country they appropriate, or to the degree of excellence to which they have brought their machinery.” source