The motive to science is the love of truth apart from all consideration of fame, and science with us too is devoted almost solely to practical uses, essential to our social conversation and the comforts of our daily life.
 Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Coming Race (1871). copy citation

Author Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Source The Coming Race
Topic comfort science
Date 1871
Language English


“but for lack of elaborate culture it fails of an audience, and, failing of an audience, dies out, of itself, amidst the ordinary avocations of life." "But how is it that these discouragements to the cultivation of literature do not operate against that of science?" "Your question amazes me. The motive to science is the love of truth apart from all consideration of fame, and science with us too is devoted almost solely to practical uses, essential to our social conversation and the comforts of our daily life. No fame is asked by the inventor, and none is given to him; he enjoys an occupation congenial to his tastes, and needing no wear and tear of the passions. Man must have exercise for his mind as well as body;” source