The man of superior abilities always finds admirers, go where he will.
 Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo (1845). copy citation

Author Alexandre Dumas
Source The Count of Monte Cristo
Topic ability
Date 1845
Language English


““One evening a wolf emerged from a pine-wood near which they were usually stationed, but the wolf had scarcely advanced ten yards ere he was dead. Proud of this exploit, Vampa took the dead animal on his shoulders, and carried him to the farm. These exploits had gained Luigi considerable reputation. The man of superior abilities always finds admirers, go where he will. He was spoken of as the most adroit, the strongest, and the most courageous contadino for ten leagues around; and although Teresa was universally allowed to be the most beautiful girl of the Sabines, no one had ever spoken to her of love, because it was known that she was beloved by Vampa.” source