There is nobody so much respected in this world as a stingy rich man.
 Anatole France, The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (1881). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard
Topic world
Date 1881
Language English


“and the fact is I am commonly believed to be much richer than I am. I have the face of an old miser. It is certainly a lying face; but its untruthfulness has often won for me a great deal of consideration. There is nobody so much respected in this world as a stingy rich man. I have consulted Jeanne,—but what was the need of listening for her answer? It is done! They are betrothed. It would ill become my character as well as my face to watch these young people any longer for the mere purpose of noting down their words and gestures.” source