But how can one resist virtue? The people who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.
 Anatole France, The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (1881). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard
Topic weakness virtue
Date 1881
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2123/2123-h/2123-h.htm


“if by any happy chance this inexorable Therese had once in her whole life, only once, failed in her duty as a servant—if she had ever been at fault for one single instant, she could never have assumed this inflexible authority over me, and I should at least have the courage to resist her. But how can one resist virtue? The people who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them. Just look at Therese, for example; she has not a single fault for which you can blame her! She has no doubt of herself; nor of God, nor of the world. She is the valiant woman, the wise virgin of Scripture; others may know nothing about her, but I know her worth.” source