The wise want love; and those who love want wisdom
 John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919). copy citation

Author John Maynard Keynes
Source The Economic Consequences of the Peace
Topic wisdom love
Date 1919
Language English


“Hypocrisy and custom make their minds The fanes of many a worship, now outworn. They dare not devise good for man's estate, And yet they know not that they do not dare. The good want power but to weep barren tears. The powerful goodness want: worse need for them. The wise want love; and those who love want wisdom; And all best things are thus confused to ill. Many are strong and rich, and would be just, But live among their suffering fellow-men As if none felt: they know not what they do. We have been moved already beyond endurance, and need rest.” source