Average human nature is very coarse, and its ideals must necessarily be average.
 Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (1906). copy citation

Author Henry Adams
Source The Education of Henry Adams
Topic average ideals
Date 1906
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2044/2044-h/2044-h.htm


“No doubt, too, that even his restless-minded, introspective, self-conscious children who knew him best were much too ignorant of the world and of human nature to suspect how rare and complete was the model before their eyes. A coarser instrument would have impressed them more. Average human nature is very coarse, and its ideals must necessarily be average. The world never loved perfect poise. What the world does love is commonly absence of poise, for it has to be amused. Napoleons and Andrew Jacksons amuse it, but it is not amused by perfect balance. Had Mr.” source