In every age man has bitterly and justly complained that Nature hurried and hustled him, for inertia almost invariably has ended in tragedy.
 Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (1906). copy citation

Author Henry Adams
Source The Education of Henry Adams
Topic age tragedy
Date 1906
Language English


“No one is likely to suggest a theory that man's convenience had been consulted by Nature at any time, or that Nature has consulted the convenience of any of her creations, except perhaps the Terebratula. In every age man has bitterly and justly complained that Nature hurried and hustled him, for inertia almost invariably has ended in tragedy. Resistance is its law, and resistance to superior mass is futile and fatal. Fifty years ago, science took for granted that the rate of acceleration could not last. The world forgets quickly, but even today the habit remains of founding statistics on the faith that consumption will continue nearly stationary.” source