Certainly men in great fortunes are strangers to themselves, and while they are in the puzzle of business, they have no time to tend their health, either of body or mind.
 Francis Bacon, The Essays of Francis Bacon (1597). copy citation

Author Francis Bacon
Source The Essays of Francis Bacon
Topic health fortune
Date 1597
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/575/575-h/575-h.htm


“but if they think with themselves, what other men think of them, and that other men would fain be, as they are, then they are happy, as it were, by report; when perhaps they find the contrary within. For they are the first, that find their own griefs, though they be the last, that find their own faults. Certainly men in great fortunes are strangers to themselves, and while they are in the puzzle of business, they have no time to tend their health, either of body or mind. Illi mors gravis incubat, qui notus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi. In place, there is license to do good, and evil; whereof the latter is a curse: for in evil, the best condition is not to win;” source