we often correct ourselves as foolishly as we do others.
 Michel de Montaigne, The Essays of Michel de Montaigne (1580). copy citation

Author Michel de Montaigne
Source The Essays of Michel de Montaigne
Date 1580
Language English
Note Translated by Charles Cotton
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/3600/3600-h/3600-h.htm


“Secondly, because as to what concerns myself, I fear to lose by change: my understanding does not always go forward, it goes backward too. I do not much less suspect my fancies for being the second or the third, than for being the first, or present, or past; we often correct ourselves as foolishly as we do others. I am grown older by a great many years since my first publications, which were in the year 1580; but I very much doubt whether I am grown an inch the wiser. I now, and I anon, are two several persons;” source