There is nothing that ought so much to be recommended to youth as activity and vigilance our life is nothing but movement.
 Michel de Montaigne, The Essays of Michel de Montaigne (1580). copy citation

Author Michel de Montaigne
Source The Essays of Michel de Montaigne
Topic youth activity
Date 1580
Language English
Note Translated by Charles Cotton


“I have many times amused myself, being well and in safety, and quite free from these dangerous attacks in communicating them to the physicians as then beginning to discover themselves in me; I underwent the decree of their dreadful conclusions, being all the while quite at my ease, and so much the more obliged to the favour of God and better satisfied of the vanity of this art. There is nothing that ought so much to be recommended to youth as activity and vigilance our life is nothing but movement. I bestir myself with great difficulty, and am slow in everything, whether in rising, going to bed, or eating: seven of the clock in the morning is early for me, and where I rule, I never dine before eleven, nor sup till after six.” source