Men make a great outward show of their so-called freedom, but those who know their inner minds are aware of their bondage.
 Rabindranath Tagore, The Home and the World (1916). copy citation

Author Rabindranath Tagore
Source The Home and the World
Topic freedom mind
Date 1916
Language English
Note Translated by Surendranath Tagore


“"So I suppose we must join in the conspiracy of the weak." "Women weak!" I exclaimed with a laugh. "Men belaud you as delicate and fragile, so as to delude you into thinking yourselves weak. But it is you women who are strong. Men make a great outward show of their so-called freedom, but those who know their inner minds are aware of their bondage. They have manufactured scriptures with their own hands to bind themselves; with their very idealism they have made golden fetters of women to wind round their body and mind. If men had not that extraordinary faculty of entangling themselves in meshes of their own contriving, nothing could have kept them bound.” source