In our country it is only among the upper classes that you find unbelievers; men who have lost the root or spirit of their faith
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot (1874). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source The Idiot
Topic faith spirit
Date 1874
Language English
Note Translated by Eva Martin


“Atheism is the child of Roman Catholicism—it proceeded from these Romans themselves, though perhaps they would not believe it. It grew and fattened on hatred of its parents; it is the progeny of their lies and spiritual feebleness. Atheism! In our country it is only among the upper classes that you find unbelievers; men who have lost the root or spirit of their faith; but abroad whole masses of the people are beginning to profess unbelief—at first because of the darkness and lies by which they were surrounded; but now out of fanaticism, out of loathing for the Church and Christianity!”” source