A rich man to-day who gives all he has to the poor is crazy.
 Jack London, The Iron Heel (1908). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source The Iron Heel
Date 1908
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1164/1164-h/1164-h.htm


“Nor could we learn anything about him except the reiterated statements that slight hopes were still held for his recovery. “Christ told the rich young man to sell all he had,” Ernest said bitterly. “The Bishop obeyed Christ's injunction and got locked up in a madhouse. Times have changed since Christ's day. A rich man to-day who gives all he has to the poor is crazy. There is no discussion. Society has spoken.” CHAPTER XIII THE GENERAL STRIKE Of course Ernest was elected to Congress in the great socialist landslide that took place in the fall of 1912. One great factor that helped to swell the socialist vote was the destruction of Hearst.* This the Plutocracy found an easy task.” source