A lover should make his court where his heart is engaged; he should win the favour of everyone
 Molière, The Learned Ladies (1672). copy citation

Author Molière
Source The Learned Ladies
Topic heart court
Date 1672
Language English
Note Translated by Charles Heron Wall
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Learned_Women


“His writings, his speeches, in short, everything in him is unpleasant to me; and I feel towards him as you do. But as he possesses great ascendancy over my mother, you must force yourself to yield somewhat. A lover should make his court where his heart is engaged; he should win the favour of everyone; and in order to have nobody opposed to his love, try to please even the dog of the house. CLI. Yes, you are right; but Mr. Trissotin is hateful to me. I cannot consent, in order to win his favour, to dishonour myself by praising his works.” source