A man can grow gray in great campaigns, and still have the soul of a schoolboy. A man can return with a great reputation from India and be put in charge of a great public treasure, and still have the soul of a schoolboy, waiting to be awakened by an accident.
 G. K. Chesterton, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1922). copy citation

Author G. K. Chesterton
Source The Man Who Knew Too Much
Topic awakening reputation
Date 1922
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1720/1720-h/1720-h.htm


““it rather depends which schoolboy.” “What on earth do you mean?” “The soul of a schoolboy is a curious thing,” Fisher continued, in a meditative manner. “It can survive a great many things besides climbing out of a chimney. A man can grow gray in great campaigns, and still have the soul of a schoolboy. A man can return with a great reputation from India and be put in charge of a great public treasure, and still have the soul of a schoolboy, waiting to be awakened by an accident. And it is ten times more so when to the schoolboy you add the skeptic, who is generally a sort of stunted schoolboy. You said just now that things might be done by religious mania. Have you ever heard of irreligious mania?” source