There are things in which children are not called upon to pay deference to their fathers; and love is no respector of persons.
 Molière, The Miser (1668). copy citation

Author Molière
Source The Miser
Topic love father
Date 1668
Language English
Note Translated by Charles Heron Wall


“and if you have on your side the consent of the mother, perhaps I shall have some other resources left to aid me. Har. What, rascal! You dare to trespass on my grounds? Cle. It is you who trespass on mine. I was the first. Har. Am I not your father, and do you not owe me respect? Cle. There are things in which children are not called upon to pay deference to their fathers; and love is no respector of persons. Har. My stick will make you know me better. Cle. All your threatenings are nothing to me. Har. You will give up Marianne? Cle. Never! Har. Bring me my stick. Quick, I say! my stick! SCENE IV. HARPAGON, CLÉANTE, MASTER JACQUES.” source