all men are alike in their words; their actions only show the difference that exists between them.
 Molière, The Miser (1668). copy citation

Author Molière
Source The Miser
Topic action difference
Date 1668
Language English
Note Translated by Charles Heron Wall


“Think me capable of everything, Élise, except of falling short of what I owe to you. I love you too much for that; and my love will be as lasting as my life! Eli. Ah! Valère, all men say the same thing; all men are alike in their words; their actions only show the difference that exists between them. Val. Then why not wait for actions, if by them alone you can judge of the truthfulness of my heart? Do not suffer your anxious fears to mislead you, and to wrong me. Do not let an unjust suspicion destroy the happiness which is to me dearer than life;” source