Love is absorbing; it takes the lover out of himself
 W. Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence (1919). copy citation

Author W. Somerset Maugham
Source The Moon and Sixpence
Topic love
Date 1919
Language English


“there is in love a sense of weakness, a desire to protect, an eagerness to do good and to give pleasure—if not unselfishness, at all events a selfishness which marvellously conceals itself; it has in it a certain diffidence. These were not traits which I could imagine in Strickland. Love is absorbing; it takes the lover out of himself; the most clear-sighted, though he may know, cannot realise that his love will cease; it gives body to what he knows is illusion, and, knowing it is nothing else, he loves it better than reality. It makes a man a little more than himself, and at the same time a little less.” source