We are the only people who can earn it—for we are the only people who are always right.
 Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone (1868). copy citation

Author Wilkie Collins
Source The Moonstone
Topic right
Date 1868
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/155/155-h/155-h.htm


“we see with nobody’s eyes, we hear with nobody’s ears, we feel with nobody’s hearts, but our own. Glorious, glorious privilege! And how is it earned? Ah, my friends, you may spare yourselves the useless inquiry! We are the only people who can earn it—for we are the only people who are always right. In the case of my misguided aunt, the form which pious perseverance was next to take revealed itself to me plainly enough. Preparation by clerical friends had failed, owing to Lady Verinder’s own reluctance.” source