In certain men, the fire of eternity consuming them is great enough for them to burn in it the very heart of those closest to them.
 Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus (1942). copy citation

Author Albert Camus
Source The Myth of Sisyphus
Topic eternity heart
Date 1942
Language English
Note Translated by Justin O'Brien


“If he takes as his mistress this woman who has known one of the Castle’s officials, this is because of her past. He derives from her something that transcends him while being aware of what makes her forever unworthy of the Castle. This makes one think of Kierkegaard’s strange love for Regina Olsen. In certain men, the fire of eternity consuming them is great enough for them to burn in it the very heart of those closest to them. The fatal mistake that consists in giving to God what is not God’s is likewise the subject of this episode of The Castle. But for Kafka it seems that this is not a mistake. It is a doctrine and a “leap.”” source