If something brings creation to an end, it is not the victorious and illusory cry of the blinded artist
 Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus (1942). copy citation

Author Albert Camus
Source The Myth of Sisyphus
Topic creation crying
Date 1942
Language English
Note Translated by Justin O'Brien
Weblink http://www2.hawaii.edu/~freeman/courses/phil360/16.%20Myth%20of%20Sisyph...


“it adopts the experience of a life and assumes its shape, likewise, a man’s sole creation is strengthened in its successive and multiple aspects: his works. One after another, they complement one an-other, correct or overtake one another, contradict one another too. If something brings creation to an end, it is not the victorious and illusory cry of the blinded artist: “I have said everything,” but the death of the creator which closes his experience and the book of his genius. That effort, that superhuman consciousness are not necessarily apparent to the reader.” source