If any art is devoid of lessons, it is certainly music.
 Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus (1942). copy citation

Author Albert Camus
Source The Myth of Sisyphus
Topic music art
Date 1942
Language English
Note Translated by Justin O'Brien
Weblink http://www2.hawaii.edu/~freeman/courses/phil360/16.%20Myth%20of%20Sisyph...


“Those adolescents with empty eyesockets who people temples and museums—their philosophy has been expressed in gestures. For an absurd man it is more educative than all libraries. Under another aspect the same is true for music. If any art is devoid of lessons, it is certainly music. It is too closely related to mathematics not to have borrowed their gratuitousness. That game the mind plays with itself according to set and measured laws takes place in the sonorous compass that belongs to us and beyond which the vibrations nevertheless meet in an inhuman universe.” source