The principle can be established that for a man who does not cheat, what he believes to be true must determine his action.
 Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus (1942). copy citation

Author Albert Camus
Source The Myth of Sisyphus
Topic action cheating
Date 1942
Language English
Note Translated by Justin O'Brien


“All healthy men having thought of their own suicide, it can be seen, without further explanation, that there is a direct connection between this feeling and the longing for death. The subject of this essay is precisely this relationship between the absurd and suicide, the exact degree to which suicide is a solution to the absurd. The principle can be established that for a man who does not cheat, what he believes to be true must determine his action. Belief in the absurdity of existence must then dictate his conduct. It is legitimate to wonder, clearly and without false pathos, whether a conclusion of this importance requires forsaking as rapidly as possible an incomprehensible condition.” source