The Life we Live in Others
A man should spend his life or, rather, does spend his life in being born.
 Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912). copy citation

Author Samuel Butler
Source The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
Topic life living
Date 1912
Language English


“I do not squander it now, but I am not sorry that I have squandered a good deal of it. What a heap of rubbish there would have been if I had not! Had I not better set about squandering what is left of it? The Life we Live in Others A man should spend his life or, rather, does spend his life in being born. His life is his birth throes. But most men miscarry and never come to the true birth at all and some live but a very short time in a very little world and none are eternal. Still, the life we live beyond the grave is our truest life, and our happiest, for we pass it in the profoundest sleep as though we were children in our cradles.” source