An energy is a soul—a something working in us.
As we cannot imagine heat apart from something which is hot, nor motion without something that is moving, so we cannot imagine an energy, or working power, without matter through which it manifests itself.
 Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912). copy citation

Author Samuel Butler
Source The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
Topic heat power
Date 1912
Language English


“The fraction is so small that in practice it may and must be neglected; it is neglected, however, not as of right but as of grace, and the right to insist on it is never finally and indefeasibly waived. iii An energy is a soul—a something working in us. As we cannot imagine heat apart from something which is hot, nor motion without something that is moving, so we cannot imagine an energy, or working power, without matter through which it manifests itself. On the other hand, we cannot imagine matter without thinking of it as capable of some kind of working power or energy—we cannot think of matter without thinking of it as in some way ensouled. iv Matter and mind form one another, i.e.” source